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Fixings and Accessories
Foam Fillers for Ridge and Eaves
The requirement for fillers comes about by the need to make thin sheet material strong enough to be used as an economic means of roofing industrial buildings. This is done by shaping the material i.e., aluminium, steel fibreglass etc. giving it a series of ribs and valleys, which offer strength and stability. Because of the profiling, gaps are created between the sheet and the purlins upon which it is laid, or under any flashings at the ridges for example. If these gaps were not filled, small birds would gain access to the building, dust and dirt may blow inside and possibly most importantly, it would not be wind or watertight. Strong winds could in fact cause the sheets to loosen if fillers were not properly situated and fixed and may make the roof unstable.
Tek Screws
These fix in the valley screws with their ease of fixing were a revolution in the roofing industry and have now almost totally replaced the traditional bang a big nail through the top of the profile brigade. With them have come many variations to meet the requirements of different materials and circumstances.
Early Tek screws were made with a 3/8 head (10mm). The use of this size has now almost ceased in favour of the small 5/16 head (8mm).
Other Nails and Fixings available are;
- Wood Screws
- Washers
- Nails
- Clout nails
- Buttress Ring Nails
- Galvanised Slate Nails
- Onduline Fixings
- Holding down Bolts and Plates
- Pipe flashings
- Galvanised bolts and washers
- Spring Head Nails
- CE Z-Purlin bolts
- Gutter Bolts and Washers
- Sela Washers and Caps
- Polycarb Fixings
- Corrugated PVC Fixings
- Tek Screws to Purlin/Wood/Steel Masonry
Other Products available are;
- Laplox
- Foam Fillers
- Butyl Mastics
- Silicones
- Mordant Solutions
- Edge Treatment Lacquer